Our Treatments

Advanced Physiotherapy

Experience a revolution in musculoskeletal care with our personalised treatment plans, tailored for pain relief and functional restoration. Our cutting-edge physiotherapy techniques, encompassing cupping, taping, dry needling, GK3, IASTM, and MFR, provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to healing. Each treatment is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring targeted relief and enhanced rehabilitation to optimise recovery and improve your overall quality of life.

Robotic Spine Aligner (UK)

Experience precise spinal adjustments to alleviate back pain and improve spinal health. This treatment aims to relax and release the paraspinal muscles, increasing flexibility and mobility in the spine. It is effective for addressing stiffness and posture-related issues such as kyphosis, scoliosis, degenerative spine conditions, and neck-back pain.

Photobiomodulation Laser Therapy (UK)

Detects and treats painful trigger points and promotes tissue healing with advanced laser technology. This therapy induces pain relief and deep tissue repair while controlling swelling and enhancing blood flow. It is beneficial for conditions including frozen shoulder, neuropathic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, tenosynovitis, tendonitis, fractures, muscle strains, sprains, and ligament tears.

Deep Tissue Thermo Therapy (Germany)

Experience deep thermotherapy to reduce pain and enhance healing in muscles, tendons, and joints. This therapy is effective for treating acute and chronic injuries or inflammation, including muscle spasms, joint pain, synovitis, bursitis, tendinitis, post-surgical scars, and osteoarthritis. It helps with muscle relaxation, tissue regeneration, edema reduction, pain management, and muscle recovery.

Acoustic Wave Therapy (Germany)

Stimulate tissue regeneration and alleviate pain with non-invasive treatment. This therapy is beneficial for promoting collagen synthesis, pain relief, and breaking down calcified deposits. It is useful for conditions such as heel spur, plantar fasciitis, tendinopathy, frozen shoulder, and calcific tendinitis of the shoulder joint.

Spine Decompression Therapy

Decompress spinal discs to relieve pressure and pain associated with herniated or degenerative discs. This treatment is useful for addressing herniated discs, sciatica, slipped discs, and vertigo. It provides targeted decompression and distraction, aiding in the stretching and relaxation of tight fascia and muscles in spasm.